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Environmental Solutions

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Our Services

Educational Presentations
I do educational presentations on Natural gardening and Natural landscaping, which cover No-chemicals, minimal soil disturbance, the importance of diversity in the garden and yard, start with Water design so we capture and hold as much as possible that falls from the sky and store it in the soil, working with weeds for better soil and human health, broadfork application, and mulching. We need to work with nature to have the best outcomes for present and future generations. To schedule a presentation, please call 218-252-3258 or email

On-site consultation and education
I provide on-site consultation/education for folks looking for assistance in practicing Natural Gardening. This involves minimal soil disturbance(no more tilling), mulching, water management, mycorrhizal fungi inoculants, foliar fertilizers if needed, filling the garden with plants, working with the weeds for food and diversity, and working with nature so we don't have to work as hard. I work with your comfort zone as much as possible. Change can be uncomfortable, but is neccesary sometimes for the greatest outcome, Healthy Soil, Healthy food, Healthy planet.

Natural Landscape design
Natural landscaping is less mowing and a lot more plant diversity on your property. We first need to start with WATER! How do we hold it on the landscape so we can benefit from it in the future. Then access around your yard is next, because you want this to flow with the utilities that are there so we don't disrupt them or cause issues in the future, and then what needs you have for plants and what functions they serve. We can design your property together so you fit with nature nicely.

Ecological forest management planning
Ecological forest management planning is assisting clients with first figuring out why they want this done, what they want to happen and then how are we going to get there. Your site, soils, and dominant species will dictate your outcomes. We don't have to cut and remove trees from your site to have positive effects. Working with Nature to create diverse food forests that we can eat from, build soils, and create habitat for many creatures, big and small. I can help you create this and get it done.